The Legacy of Art Lovers and the Birth of an Artist
Our favorite part of helping our customers create their charities and build their legacies is receiving updates from the recipients. Today, we’re highlighting the passion of Peter and Virginia Cherry, two art lovers who hoped to make a difference in the lives of aspiring artists. Sometimes all a person needs to take a leap of faith, is the support of someone who believes in them. That was the case for one student at the Art Institute of Chicago who received their art scholarship.
Our current and ongoing student is working towards her degree and is focussing her art on therapy. Having received help in accomplishing her dreams of receiving a college education and becoming an artist, we are thrilled that she is focussing her talent on helping others achieve the positive mental state that they so desperately need.
Art has a subtle power, it can calm or riot our moods it can make us laugh or think deep thoughts. Viewing art is as meditative and introspective a process as creating art. We hope that the recipient of our art scholarship at the Art Institute of Chicago will find depth and expression in herself that will allow others to find hope and strength when they see her work.
Peter and Virginia Cherry have made a difference in this young artist’s life, and through her, their influence may ripple out to many other people in need of hope and inspiration. We join with the school and this student in saying thank you to Peter and Virginia Cherry for their passion and their contribution.